Category: projects

  • Welcome to our projects page

    This is our showcase and discussion of the projects that we do that are interesting to us, or we think you’ll find helpful and informative. Read on to see some of what we do, and if you see something that might help you in your own business, be sure to Contact Us as we’d love […]

  • Meeting reporting requirements to complement Residual Current Device (RCD) standards.

    Compliance is considered by many to be part of the drudgery of the modern workplace, but it need not be so. The need to comply offers a unique opportunity to collect and gain insights into your equipment and systems that are not easily gained by “optional” endeavours that so often get moved down the list […]

  • Residual Current Device management for Peninsula Health – a RAD approach

    Managing things that need regular testing has to be one of the more tedious parts of any building engineers job, despite it being one of the best ways to improve reliability and compliance. Whilst there are many tools on the market for managing scheduled tasks such as a reminder to do the checking, Peninsula Health, […]

  • Keeping up with Victorian Building Regulations 2018

    In June 2018 new requirements for the Annual Essential Services Maintenance (ESM) Report came into effect. The new reports must still contain the building description and declaration around AS1851-2012, but now the ESM items have further requirements that must be displayed on the ESM declaration. To comply, statements must now include the name of persons […]