Meeting reporting requirements to complement Residual Current Device (RCD) standards.

Compliance is considered by many to be part of the drudgery of the modern workplace, but it need not be so. The need to comply offers a unique opportunity to collect and gain insights into your equipment and systems that are not easily gained by “optional” endeavours that so often get moved down the list of actions and priorities.

To look at the opportunity that compliance events afford us, it is necessary to break things down into the reasons we perform an action. To do that, it is useful to look at data collection through our latest tool – Yimelo’s RCD module.

The first thing a compliance activity must do is demonstrate that the system in question has met its obligations, on a demonstrated frequency to an outside observer. This sounds quite simple, however professional experience tells both us and many of our clients that this seemingly disparate activity can produce a large array of difficult to sort results, often the outcome of ad-hoc pdf files from emails or similar “paper substitute” system that have permeated as a legitimate method of maintaining electronic records. This is a sub optimal method of organising information to present to an authority, particularly on short notice.

The second thing a compliance activity should do is take the information collection event and use the opportunity to value add to your organisation. This is where our products place a great deal of power in our client’s hands. By nature of the testing, large data sets are easily collated for individual components which can them be used to automate analysis and present you with quality information to assist with your building management.

For example, the key data points of the trip time range for an RCD can not only be collected on a large scale, they can be analysed en masse to an individual component. Using predictive analytics, we can measure the spread of trip times in routine testing and correlate that to a failure curve for the set as a whole. Once the likelihood of failure is identified, preventative maintenance can be deployed rather than reactive maintenance saving the inconvenience and cost of ad-hoc breakdown management (including the added burden of after-hours calls).

With this simple technique, not only has the organisation satisfied their compliance obligation, they have produced an efficiency gain resulting in lower failure rates and higher occupant satisfaction.

Yimelo has products for many applications that allow you to take advantage of modern data systems, with our RCD management tool being one of our latest. Why not talk to us about your needs and let us help you to make the most of what you’re already doing to driver a leaner, more efficient building maintenance operation.