Residual Current Device management for Peninsula Health – a RAD approach

Managing things that need regular testing has to be one of the more tedious parts of any building engineers job, despite it being one of the best ways to improve reliability and compliance. Whilst there are many tools on the market for managing scheduled tasks such as a reminder to do the checking, Peninsula Health, a long time client of ours needed a way to keep tabs on Residual Current Devices (RCD’s) at an individual level.

Conceptually, the problem was pretty simple, and is a problem we have solved many times over with our check sheet software but we knew with a compliance task we had to make a whole lot of things happen differently to achieve what our clients need: a simple way to know when they are non compliant or needing a service.

Enter the concept of Rapid Application Development (RAD). RAD is a method where we take the user’s business needs, analyse their likes and dislikes and “fill in the gaps” once we have prototypes and tested the bits we think might be hard to achieve. When we have something whose main technical challenges seem surmountable, we take the results to our clients and refine the user experience and functionality based on their feedback (and what we have had work for others).

For Peninsula Health, this allowed us to provide a six week turnaround on a project that can manage a large number of devices (many thousands) through a tablet based interface with multiple levels of users and full reporting, including reporting by exception.

The system took two iterations between our team and theirs, with live testing occurring in the final week of our scheduled build. We are very proud of the results, with our internal processes effectively producing a new piece of software to production standard in a very short space of time, despite our staff’s many late nights to make it happen.

Of course the upside to our hard work is that many other users can now take advantage of our RCD module to manage their own fleet of protection devices. We can import data from a wide range of testing equipment reports that your electrical contractors likely use, as well as provide our easy to use tablet interface.

There is nothing like the re-assurance that all your equipment is up to date, and with Yimelo’s services we can help you make this easy.