Compliance Squared: Easing the burden of checking insurances and licenses

Working in the operational space of building management can be a challenging task. People often have necessary activities that are major pain points and take up lots of time. Often these are the very checks and balance systems that are crucial to make sure everyone is protected by the correct insurances, licenses and inductions.

Taking the pain away from a crucial yet tedious task is exactly the type of problem technology can solve. With an ever watchful eye on expiry dates and seamless search services for PC and mobile, elegant technology removes a major hurdle to reducing the human impact of meeting this important requirement.

Compliance Squared is our FREE online compliance tracker tool which captures your suppliers insurance and license expiry dates. This tool sends a reminder to the registered users with details of both upcoming expiration dates and those that have expired for convenient follow up as well as providing a multi user portal to check on the status of all workers registered in the system.

We developed Compliance Squared to be a very simple tool, designed for ease of use to cover the most common compliance activities our clients face, namely:

  • Public liability insurance
  • Worksafe insurance
  • Employee licensing
  • Inductions

We understand that not every organisation needs an enterprise grade piece of induction and compliance software (particularly one that puts the onus on the employees themselves to pay a 3rd party to check their government issued credentials) so we decided to write a lightweight, accessible system for our existing clients and any potential clients that might find it useful.

The FREE version of Compliance Squared, open to all, sends a reminder to the registered users with details of both upcoming expiration dates and those that have expired for convenient follow up as well as providing a multi user portal to check on the status of all workers registered in the system.

For those who want extended functionality, we have some premium options for Compliance Squared that allow direct to contractor reminders and direct to contractor input of documents that await the verification of an authorised administrator. These minimise data entry time and make sure that time is being best spent – making decisions about the appropriateness of the contractor and their licenses/insurances rather than entering data in an excel spreadsheet that is difficult to share in real time.

Discover Compliance Squared for yourself and start freeing up staff to manage day to day tasks that help you get more from your buildings.