Category: Uncategorized

  • Welcome to our projects page

    This is our showcase and discussion of the projects that we do that are interesting to us, or we think you’ll find helpful and informative. Read on to see some of what we do, and if you see something that might help you in your own business, be sure to Contact Us as we’d love […]

  • Hardware alarms: display, alert, and call to action!

    A key to ensuring that your facility runs correctly is both the ability to detect issues, and the assurance that those issues will be acted upon in a timely fashion. Acknowledging both those factors is a key part of critical fault response and something we have extensive experience with here at Yimelo using our Internet […]

  • Compliance Squared: Easing the burden of checking insurances and licenses

    Working in the operational space of building management can be a challenging task. People often have necessary activities that are major pain points and take up lots of time. Often these are the very checks and balance systems that are crucial to make sure everyone is protected by the correct insurances, licenses and inductions. Taking […]

  • Partnerships with our clients – We learn, you benefit

    We recently had a minor but telling software issue with one of our clients (a big thanks to @peninsulahealth for being one of our fantastic client-partners – it was your RCD schedule names that got us) that highlights an issue we see overlooked again and again. Usage patterns. We have developed a form to assist […]