Health Clients- EDMS data collection

Data collection needs to be provisioned properly to be useful. This is a truth that every data manager knows, but in health often has trouble resourcing where “non-core” activities like buildings are concerned.

This is a shame, as data should underpin almost every ongoing engineering activity so resources including time, money and staff skills are always used at their best.

We understand that this was the admirable driving force behind the whole Victorian Government Environmental Data management system to streamline the collection and publishing of data for use by health services.

As with any big project, it meets the majority of needs without catering for everyone’s specific circumstances. This is where Yimelo’s services can offer a critical value add.

Yimelo has developed data structures, collection and transmission systems and custom report re-generation that takes the hard work out of modifying the standard EDMS offering to provide you with the analysis your organisation needs as well as the standard statewide reporting templates.

We can collect more granular and more timely data in both electricity and water (whose EDMS collection reporting lag can be up to three months) for accurate analysis and decision making.

This may be life cycled analysis of cooling towers, go/no-go decisions on co-generation or simple denominated reporting.

Similar to our LGC compliant data collection equipment our systems provides end-to-end, inexpensive methods of collecting, retaining and submitting compliant data. We consistently provide systems that allow organizations to seamlessly satisfy all their reporting requirements. Yimelo can transmit via 4G/LTE, wireless and wired ethernet (subject to firewall restrictions).

If you have a need for multiple audience reporting, particularly if you operate a health service that must report to the Department of Health and Human Services, Yimelo is your premier choice in metering and reporting partners. We work with your ICT department to enable non LTE transmission where a SIM is not preferred, take care of backups and provision your compulsory data, public data if desired (such as dashboards to advertise solar production or recycled water) and your management reporting.



If you need metering, get in touch with us , so we can design and implement the right metering scheme for you.