Category: Uncategorized

  • Welcome to our projects page

    This is our showcase and discussion of the projects that we do that are interesting to us, or we think you’ll find helpful and informative. Read on to see some of what we do, and if you see something that might help you in your own business, be sure to Contact Us as we’d love […]

  • Health Clients- EDMS data collection

    Data collection needs to be provisioned properly to be useful. This is a truth that every data manager knows, but in health often has trouble resourcing where “non-core” activities like buildings are concerned. This is a shame, as data should underpin almost every ongoing engineering activity so resources including time, money and staff skills are […]

  • Need a cost-effective solution to oversee your refrigerator cold chain management system?

    As health systems get larger and more complex, more fridges require management over a larger area. This makes a simple and easily accessible temperature recording system a high priority for any organization focused on patient safety. Yimelo’s on site fridge monitoring system provides cost effective oversight and backup to your refrigerator’s cold-chain management system. Yimelo […]

  • The value of long term data collection

    One issue that comes up for us quite often is the need for data or records to solve an issue where none exists, or exists in a fashion that is so unstructured that it can’t be used. Paper dockets, inconsistent excel spreadsheets that change structure year to year or vendor records that can not be […]